As we move towards a digitally smarter world which is connected through smartphones and social media, learning to navigate the few important technological gadgets has become a necessary skill. While teenagers and young adults are growing up with new advancements, senior people might feel a little left out of the usual know-how on using technology to its benefits.

This blog focuses on steps through which you can help a senior learn how to use technology and integrate its uses in their daily life. Adapting to newer technology can be a little time consuming and difficult due to the persistently stubborn nature of old age people. But taking the required steps can smooth the process.

Explain The Benefits

Many older people are hesitant to use a cellphone or computer primarily because they don’t understand the benefits of it. However, explaining the benefits of technology can have a positive impact as to how they can be used to stay connected with family and friends, be updated on news and use it for entertainment purposes.

Be Patient

Elders, due to their forgetfulness and other age factors, might not be very receptive to new change and general evolution. Being patient with elderly people is crucial to helping them learn and retain new and old information. They might have multiple questions or ask the same ones repeatedly and this is where they need most help. Patience will help encourage and motivate them to understand how to use electronic gadgets. Positive feedback is always crucial to new learning.

Use Simple Language

Break down complex concepts into simple language which is easier to understand. Stay away from jargons and break down in the simplest way possible. A senior might not be able to grasp complicated terms like software or browser. It is best you make associations with colors or areas to simplify the process and take it slowly for further awareness.

Let Them Do It

While briefs can be helpful, applying the concept hands-on is always better. Let them first handedly experience technology and explore with curiosity. This will instill a sense of accomplishment and yearning to learn more and be better at it. Enjoying a process will make the experience better and faster with improved results.

Adjust Devices to Their Needs

Many seniors may need personalized IT services such as bigger fonts or easier navigation. Hence, it is important to adjust the setting as such that accessing the smartphone or TV is made easier for them.


Technology and other IT services play an important role for seniors living. With technological gadgets like smartphones, TV and tablets they have something to do in their past-time whether it is watching videos, surfing the web, or calling their children and relatives.

Exordium Networks caters to all kinds of technological needs of old age people.Call us at (972) 573-1180 to learn more about our IT services for senior living.