Remote support is a great way to get technical support for your business. But of course, it’s not the right choice for everyone. But what is remote assistance in the first place? And who should use this service? Read on to get the answers.
What is Remote Assistance?
What is remote assistance? It’s a simple way to get computer support with the help of a trusted professional. Most of us deal with computer issues from time to time at work. Remote assistance is a way for an IT professional to take control of your screen and fix your computer issues in real-time. Employees love the ease, speed, and convenience of this service. Plus, employers love that it’s a cost-effective way to address IT concerns and boost productivity.
Remote Support Vs. Remote Helpdesk
Remote support is often confused with a remote helpdesk. While there may be some overlap in these positions, they are different roles. As we mentioned, remote support is when a technician takes over your computer screen to provide assistance. A remote helpdesk is a virtual IT support technician who performs a variety of tasks. Remote helpdesk employees often perform remote support. However, remote support is not capable of providing all the services that a helpdesk can.
Is In-Person Support Better?
Some businesses prefer to have on-site IT support. This can be a good option for a larger or more tech-driven company. However, many businesses prefer outsourcing for their IT needs. This process saves money and resources while still providing high-quality IT support. At the end of the day, it simply depends on your company’s needs.
Start With a Consultation
An IT consultation can help you decide if remote support (or other remote IT services) would be beneficial for your business. This is the best way to compare options and get honest advice about your company’s needs.
IT Support For The Senior Care Industry
Exordium Networks offers a wide range of IT services to those in the senior care industry. Our IT experts work with every client to help them meet their tech goals. Ready to see how Exordium can help you? Call 972-573-1180 to talk with our team.